Criminal History Reports

Social Security Validation

Verification of the state and year an individual's Social Security Number was issued. This record is cross-referenced through the Social Security Death Master Index to determine if the Social Security Number is the number of a deceased individual.

North Carolina criminal monitoring reports

Edwards & Associates provides complete criminal monitoring for the state of North Carolina. If one of your employees is arrested or convicted of a crime, you will be notified once the information becomes available, customarily within hours of the incident.

Federal criminal history reports

A search of Federal misdemeanor and felony records are searched via the PACER system and reported to you upon your request. National criminal history reports A database search of criminal records from state, county, and municipal repository and criminal databases.

National criminal history reports

A database search of criminal records from state, county, and municipal repository and criminal databases.

TRAC Reports

Given a social security number for an applicant, the name and names associated with the social security number is provided along with the date of birth, telephone number and past and  present addresses.  This information allows the employer to determine the states, counties and jurisdictions an individual has lived and to investigate all names an individual has used.

State repository criminal history reports for all US States

Official state repository (proprietary database records) are available or each US state. The availability and comprehensiveness of the state criminal record varies by state and is dependent upon the tate's organized methods of managing and disseminating the data it collects from local jurisdictions.

State database criminal history reports for all US States

Public state database records are available for each US state. The availability and comprehensiveness of the state criminal record varies by state and is dependent upon the state's organized methods of managing and is seminating the data it collects from local jurisdictions.

County criminal history reports for all US Counties

Official county and local proprietary database records are available for all US county or city jurisdictions.

Foreign criminal history reports

Reports for individuals who have been convicted of any misdemeanor and/or felony equivalent records that occurred in foreign jurisdictions.

National sex offender registry reports

Reports are available for registered sex offenders from all participating US states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam.

State sex offender registry reports for all US States

Reports provide individual state official listing of registered sex offenders.
These reports are not available in all states.

State sex abuse registry reports for all US States

Reports provide individual state official listing of registered sex abusers.
These reports are not available in all states.

Australia consolidated list reports

Reports for individuals who have been convicted of any misdemeanor and/or felony equivalent records that occurred in Australia.

Canada consolidated list reports

Reports for individuals who have been convicted of any misdemeanor and/or felony equivalent records that occurred in Canada.